We want your Children
From time to time someone in the sodomite lobby speaks honestly. To wit: While gay activists usually deny that they want to indoctrinate children, said Villarreal, “let’s face it—that’s a lie.” “We...
View ArticleExplaining What Should Be Obvious.
Because the good Dr.Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D says it so much better than I, an excerpt from her testimony to the Rhode Island legislature: I am here today to hold you to account, for the predictable...
View ArticleMalevolence vs. Benevolence
We are told that what happens in privacy between two consenting adults won’t affect us in any way. This is of course yet another malevolent lie propagated by the sodomite community and their political...
View ArticleGovernment Intervention:FYI
Government will intervene in the buying and selling of precious metals. Can you say Yavolt, Comrade? Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15 Filed under: World Events
View ArticleFate Worse than Debt?
The debate seemed to be: Raise the Debt Ceiling or Don’t Raise the Debt Ceiling? Really? How about: This Whole Thing Could have Been Easily Avoided If We Stopped Buying DEBT! Pay it down. Zero Debt...
View ArticleHello, you must be an Objectivist
I have noticed that a couple of Objectivists have appeared on the scene and that is a good thing. It is good because they at least respect logic and do attempt to be rational, they are really the most...
View ArticleNature of the Beast, Part I
Rule #1 for all conservatives ought to be this: Never let the left frame the debate or define the terms. They have created a political climate that insures leftward drift over more than two centuries....
View ArticleRhetorical Me.
If the government creates a debt so big that persons who are not old enough to vote or have not yet been born will have to pay for it, is that not in effect, Taxation Without Representation? just...
View ArticleDear Wall St. Protesters…
Dear Wall St. Protester, Remember the Berlin Wall? You Socialists built it: we Capitalists tore it down and brought freedom to people. We did not forget. Sincerely, An American Filed under: World Events
View ArticleImagine If You Will
It’s been over three decades since John Lennon was shot. A tragedy regardless of who he was, but almost as tragic is the sort of rose-colored hagiography that surrounds the thinking man’s MopTop. He...
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